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"Sometimes meaningless gestures are all we have"

segunda-feira, setembro 18, 2006
De Palmas

A.O. Scott começa com as cisões diante de Missão Marte para falar dos defensores de sua obra (os culpados de sempre: Armond White, Charles Taylor e Pauline Kael) e também os detratores:

Say ‘Brian De Palma.’ Let The Fighting Start

"The possibility of recognizing and relishing such moments, and of appreciating the unique visual power of film, is at risk in a culture saturated with cheap, flashy, corrupting images, few of them worthy of a second look." - A.O. Scott

O próprio De Palma falando de alguns de seus filmes, recentemente:

The Lives Of Brian

"The problem with the Mission: Impossibles is they've been copied so much on television now. And then in the third one, where you have a television director [J.J. Abrams] directing it, you're going to get a long episode of 24." - Brian De Palma

posted by RENATO DOHO 9:02 PM
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